In our world, people and nations suffer oppression because of new and old forms of slavery, and they are wounded in the fundamental values of faith and justice. The Trinitarians, together with the Trinitarian family, choose to heed the yearning for liberation, and the cry of hope, and offer a service of mercy and redemption to the oppressed of our society and, in a special way, to the persecuted and discriminated against because of their religious faith, of fidelity to their conscience or to the values of the gospel.
True to our redemptive mission, the Trintarians wish to be an epiphany of Christ the Redeemer among people today, credible witnesses through whom God works and reveals his merciful and redemptive love.
The motto always present in the heart of every Trinitarian is “Gloria Tibi Trinitas et captivis libertas — Glory to you O Trinity and liberty to the captives”.
The different levels of formation programme in the Vice Province are integrated with ample opportunities for actively involving in several forms of works of mercy and social activities. These activities include informal tuition centre for poor children, tailoring centre for young men and women, sponsorship of talented poor children, scholarship for professional courses for deserving students, family visits in villages/parish, etc.
De Matha Spiritual Centre
As per the direction of the Vicariate Chapter 2010 an ad hoc committee set up by the Council explored various possibilities and finally set up a centre in our campus in Thrissur for the purpose of animating retreats and programmes for the spiritual renewal of our brothers and others. One of our friars is entrusted with the responsibility of the centre where he conducts and organizes various programmes for the people especially youth. The vision of the centre is that we gradually develop a rehabilitation centre for the addicts of alcohol, drugs, etc., especially youth, so that through various programmes, the youth who are identified with addictions could be assisted and liberated through a rehabilitation programme.
Beginning a unit of SIT in India was a major leap. There is a executive body consisting of five brothers who discusses, plans and executes the various programmes of SIT India. Several reach out programmes were conducted in Kandhamal, Orissa State, where Christians are still suffering severe religious persecution from different fundamentalist groups. With the collaboration of benefactors from within and outside the country a number of young men and women are rehabilitated to complete their studies as well as pursue some job oriented courses. The SIT India team offers regular updates on persecution via e-mail and through SIT India bulletin. This in turn creates greater awareness and sensitiveness towards persecution among our brothers.
North East India Mission
This is purely a missionary project in one of the remote villages of Assam State in North East India. Four of our priest-brothers are closely involved with the development and growth of this mission. They engage in pastoral work, evangelization of the local people, supporting Christians in difficult situations, social work, boarding for boys, education of children and youth, etc. After being in the locality for almost eight years we feel that education is a sector that we need to focus on for the integral development of locality. Therefore, the Vice Province is hoping to get the support of opening a school for the local people in the near future.
Youth Ministry
A few Trinitarians are assisting young people through personal guidance, retreats, orientation programmes, training programmes, etc., especially members of the Jesus Youth Movement, an International Catholic Youth Movement based in India. Many of our priests and brothers in formation are interested in working with the youth. We give special focus on youth ministry wherever we are placed for ministry.

Shimoga Mission
The property in Shimoga, Karnataka State, is primarily a revenue land for income generation. Three of our friars are actively engaged in the development of the land as well as in the pastoral needs of the local Church. The neighbourhood is predominantly occupied by Hindus. The migrant Christians are scattered in the locality. Our friars are making efforts to organize a Christian community in the area. Their efforts are slowly bearing fruits. Some 20 to 25 catholics are attending the Sunday liturgy.