It is estimated that by 2021, one-fifth of the population of the State of Kerala, where our project is planned, will be above the age of 60. With more than 9 per cent of the population above 60 years as per the 1991 census report, which is already above the national average of 7 per cent, the elderly is expected to comprise 20 per cent of the State’s population by 2021.
We, The Trinitarians, would like the share the Divine Mercy and Love of Christ the Redeemer with, the misery, pain and deprivation suffered by many helpless and unwanted destitute people. Ministering to the homeless, destitute and persons requiring psychiatric/mental health support will be one of the primary services offered by St. Simon De Rojas Mercy Home (home for the aged abandoned).
The elderly are subjected to various kinds of harassment including those taking place inside the confines of home such as denying food, medicine and emotional support. They need an atmosphere to pray, rest, relax, to talk to and be listened to. They need a sense of belonging and a sense of security. And this is what we are planning to give at St. Simon de Rojas Mercy Home, not considering their race, caste or religion.
- To provide homely residential care in an atmosphere of love and acceptance for the destitute, neglected and mentally ill persons who are pushed to the streets by unfortunate circumstances.
- To provide essential services such as boarding, lodging, counselling, psychiatric care, critical care support and rehabilitation to those in vulnerable situation.
- To identify family members of those who have wandered away from their homes due to mental illness and abuse and unite them with their families.
All of the activities to achieve the above objectives shall be undertaken without any cost to the beneficiaries. At present our objective is to take care of about 30 neglected and abandoned aged men, in the first phase of the project, and give due care and attention to them. As the phase of the building allows, it is our plan to extend the care to about 80-100 people.

Though it would seem a “little mite” from the part of the Trinitarians to bring aid and remedy to the huge number of old people being neglected and dying alone, we will have the satisfaction of caring for and offering a home to a few most neglected and abandoned, where they can spend their last moments peacefully and gracefully. Our priests who have tirelessly labored to bring our faith to various missions and others who have rendered their selfless service to the Church will be also privileged to spent their retirement days in prayer and peace.
When we consider the growing needs of the senior citizens who are neglected or abandoned by the families around our locality, we believe that this is a worthy project which gravely needs to be attended to. Though there are nursing homes, the poor cannot afford to stay free, in peace and comfort. Our effort is to consider only those who have none to care for them and we do not want them to worry about payment, medical attention or a place to peacefully meet their end. Hence, the support of the donations you provide will be worthy of great solace to these elderly.
Campus of Holy Trinity Ashram, Thrissur, 680 618, Kerala, India.
The construction of the project commenced on April 3, 2018 with a prayer service at the site of the building in the presence of Rev. Joseph Muthuplackal, O.SS.T., the Minister Vice-Provincial, Rev. Augustine Vadakkathalakal, O.SS.T., the Director of the Project, and several other Trinitarian friars, Sisters and Third Order members and other collaborators of the project.
- Rev. Fr. Pradeep Puthenveetil, O.SS.T., Minister Vice Provincial, Bangalore, India, Mob. 85474 97197
- Rev. Fr. Francis Kulathingal, O.SS.T., Director, St. Simon De Rojas Mercy Home, Thrissur, India. Mob. 7510871037 / 9864313201.
- Rev. Fr. Vinaya Kumar, O.SS.T., Councillor for Finance, Bangalore, India. Mob. 63007 31961.
- Rev. Fr. Binoy Akkalayil, O.SS.T., Director of Mission Development, Maryland, USA. Tel: 443 471 7687/410 486 5171; E-mail:,