Support a Vocation to Priesthood
Our motto is Glory to the Trinity and Redemption to the Captives. We bring glory to the Triune God through our missionary activities like works of mercy, work among persecuted Christians, work among those who cannot practise their Christian faith, mission land evangelization through social and pastoral works, education, pastoral activities, retreats, counselling, youth guidance and work with those addicted to alcohol and drugs. The Order was planted in the Indian soil 37 years ago and has been raised into a Vice Province in India where we need to find our own sources of income. We request you to sponsor our seminarians to the way to priesthood and glorify the Triune God.
Rev. Fr. Biju Nedumparambil, O.SS.T. currently serves as the Councillor for Formation in India and his e-mail is: bijunvarghese@yahoo.com; Mob. 70121 59601.
Rev. Fr. Vinaya Kumar, O.SS.T. serves as the Treasurer Vice Provincial in India and his e-mail id is: vinyharith@gmail.com ; Mob. 63007 31961
Rev. Fr. Binoy Akkalayil, O.SS.T., serves as the Director of Mission Development in the USA and his e-mail id is: binoyosst@gmail.com or gomission4india@gmail.com; Office no: 443 471 7687/410 486 5171.
Why Give?
The Catholic priesthood is an extraordinary vocation. His vocation is to preach the Gospel and teach the Catholic faith; to lead God’s people in love, as a shepherd, as a spiritual father; and to celebrate the sacraments, especially the Holy Eucharist, ‘for the glory of God and the sanctification of Christ’s people’. Your little mite will help in the formation of a priest and this priest could be part of your family. He will pray for you and your family as a member of your family. You might have thought that your son become a priest or you don’t have a son to become a priest but you can sponsor a seminarian and he could become your son priest.

The Story of Formation
Initial years of formation: 5 yrs (Orientation program, higher secondary education, postulancy and Novitiate)
Formation after the First Profession: Up to 9 yrs (Philosophy and Degree 3 yrs, regency 1 yr, theology 3 yrs, preparation for solemn profession 1 yr and Diaconate ministry 6 months to 1 yr).
How You Can Give
Full Pledged and Partial
Payment for Full Pledged: The contribution is expected for 9 years of formation after the first profession. The approximate expense per month is Rs. 5417 x 12 = Rs. 65000/- (per year).
65000 x 9 = Rs. 585000/- (for nine years) The payment can be on yearly basis or at once.
In this case a seminarian will have only one benefactor.
Partial Payment: You may be interested in helping a seminarian but cannot give the whole amount for the priestly formation. You can help partially by giving a year’s contribution which is Rs. 65000 or a period like philosophy (3 yrs) = Rs. 195000/- or Theology and Preparation for Solemn profession (4 yrs) = Rs. 260000/- In this case a seminarian will have several benefactors to support. The payment can be on yearly basis or at once.
You may contact: Rev. Fr. Biju Nedumparambil, O.SS.T., Councillor for Formation, Holy Trinity Ashram, Bela P.O., Kasaragod, Kerala, India; e-mail is: bijunvarghese@yahoo.com; Mob.70121 59601.
Rev. Fr. Vinaya Kumar, O.SS.T. serves as the Treasurer Vice Provincial in India and his e-mail id is: vinyharith@gmail.com ; Mob. 63007 31961
Rev. Fr. Binoy Akkalayil, O.SS.T., serves as the Director of Mission Development in the USA and his e-mail id is: binoyosst@gmail.com; Office no: 443 471 7687/410 486 5171.